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How do you get meter readings from a smart meter?

With a smart meter, if you’re on a new half hourly smart interval tariff, your meter will be read remotely by ESB Networks. Manual meter readings are no longer necessary or possible. You can also view your usage within your Energy Online account. You can download your half hourly data from your My Account area.

If you are on a non-half hourly smart (MCC16) tariff, then your meter will be read remotely by ESB Networks. If you are on a MCC12 product and your connection quality drops to CTF score 1 or 2, then Energia will be contacted.

A new digital display screen on your new smart meter will show your current meter reading in kilowatt-hours (kWh). To read the new smart meter, note the figures on the screen before “kWh” from left to right and include all digits.

By pressing the Left-hand button on your meter you can scroll through the following:


- Time and Date

- Night

- Day

- Peak


Also, based on the quality of connectivity of your smart meter, some homes may not always have full connection. If your connectivity drops you can revert to providing meter readings.